Start a New TV Channel - Should I Start Internet TV, Cable or Satellite?

So you been dreaming night after night about a new idea to start a new TV channel? Common for people to have dreams.

Well without a dream there is not action right? Every business and every TV channel started with someone imagining it. Some dreams come true most do not. Its those that take serious action that are rewarded with serious rewards.


 Lets face it times are changing and technology is growing. Although I have always been a fan of cable and satellite TV it is fading compared to Internet TV.

One of the things that I love about Internet TV is that not only is it the wave of the future but as soon as your channel goes online you can advertise it anywhere in the world because anyone with an internet connection can view your channel.

I mean do not get me wrong I am not against starting a new satellite or cable TV channel. In fact my company still does quite a few of them around the world. Satellite still reaches a large audience.

 However if you are considering satellite you want to make sure that the satellite you are considering already has a viewership.

If it does not then you are going to spend thousands of dollars marketing a channel that no one is receiving. I mean most people do not want to switch from their current satellite to another one just because there is a new channel. They are probably already content with their current satellite because it already has a hundred channel or so to watch.

 So you would be better off concentrating on launching on popular satellites. So as of the writing of this article is late 2013. I can say that my company has specialized in starting TV channels for the last 10 years.

In fact I was the first to write a book on the subject in 2007. Starting a My Own Internet TV Station is such  broad subject that this one article will not be able to encompass the entire scope of the situation.


 Cable TV is a different animal altogether. They are restricted by the cables they have run to their customers homes.

Those cables can only carry so many channels and obviously their cables only reach so many homes. Its not bad though because cable does have a loyal following.

 Cable companies usually offer phone and internet services with their TV subscriptions marketing their customers very loyal. In the USA we can help just about anyone get a channel on cable although there is quite a bit of cost to it.

However if you are in a local area and want a channel there then cable is a very great option.

 However in the long run Internet TV is going to rule the TV marketplace.

Just like in the nineties those companies that started channels on satellite rule the current marketplace today; the same holds true for the future.

Those that get into internet TV today will rule the distribution market of tomorrow. Internet TV is perfect for getting out your fresh new content and ideas. With the cost of production decreasing now is the time to get into Internet TV.

 The great news is that you do not have to be a technical expert to get into Internet TV. Start a new TV channel on the internet is as easy as 1,2,3. We have put together complete packages depending on your needs. Check out our site and click on "Internet TV packages" to select the one for you.

We hope to hear from you soon. Contact us today!